Sunday, January 31, 2010

chapter twenty one: captain shaky pants

speaking of bacardi, this afternoon was a little on the wobbly side. a lot on the wobbly side to be precise. i strapped on the full length tights and mentally prepared myself for quiet time, aka release. remember, this is the true challenge for me.

we did our first assisted stretches with help from the kinesis. bigger, deeper, longer. it's nice. miss nix brought out a pair of ankle straps which i pointed out may be a little more appropriate for a late friday night, or even attached to my bedposts. just a thought. but proceed we did, and did they ever give a damn good stretch. another funny little movement we got to practice today was the scapula rotation. now, if you haven't noticed, miss nix has an absolutely exquisite set of scapulas. enough to drive any man mad. she must practice a lot. i think my scaps need some work. it was during the first rotation through the movement that i heard a huge pop out of my left shoulder. hmm. first we introduce dominatrix style equipment on a casual sunday afternoon, now i'm feeling the need for someone to play doctor? oh lord, please help me.

through the second phase we did some sumo squats, which i thought were going pretty well, until fun bobby decided to point out my 'perfect form' which forced me to lose balance and fall flat on my badunkadunk. talk about pressure. we went into mountain climbers to stretch out the hip flexers, and it felt so good. you know, i really don't set out enough time in my day to really get at the ol' hip flexers. those baddies were tight, and i was sweating something fierce while doing this stretch sequence.

our third phase was a bit on balance. bringing out our inner ballerinas. bobbers was the best at this one, hands down. his tutu was packing some major heat. controlled tippy toes, slow releases, tippy toes with our eyes closed (which i'm going to practice at the bar.) spins on one foot and another (what'd you do in class today? we twirled), and rolling like a ball. something was up with my balance today i tell you. i ate it, probably a good three times before the end of class. today consisted of me pretending to be zen, falling over, laughing my ass off, then pretending to be zen again. (note the picture of me laughing my ass off while sitting on my ass)

sundays are probably more productive, and definitely more balanced when you lay off the mimosas. forgive me lord, for i have sinned.

and fyi... the number is five o two

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