Sunday, January 24, 2010

chapter fourteen: volatile sugar misfire

i thought i made some healthy choices on friday and saturday. i mean, i didn't have cake for breakfast either of those days. today was a complete disaster, but i'd be lying if i didn't admit to being a little proud of the will power i demonstrated when opting for the whole-wheat crust to go with the brick of cheese on top of my pizza. i explained to myself empathetically (while eating an apple in the shower) that i was ready for a commitment. a full blown relationship with healthy food. 100% of the time. general opinions make out that i'm a fairly healthy eater, then there are times that i just need sweets. i swear, diving head first into chocolate cake for breakfast is a thing of the past.

so today is sunday, a fresh start. a new week. another EJ: release class. i'm excited to note that i probably wont be kicked out of any aerobics classes in the near future due to severe motor challenges when moving my arms and legs in separate directions. this i can thank our controlled release classes. sundays excite me because it's a day where you can come in, and let it all hang out. relax yourself, stretch it out, and shake it off.

we start with the kinesis machines, moving through four exercises. it's crazy how thirsty and sweaty one can get from a class of this nature. i find it the most challenging, mainly because i have to stay still. something i'm not the best at. spine twist series was next. there were times that we were twisting so much i thought i may screw myself into the floor. i wouldn't be surprised with myself if i became a permanent fixture there.

i do have to say that everyone is looking amazing. i also feel like a million bucks. i have the most energy that i've had in years, and do firmly believe that i may have a two-pack. up until this challenge i've had a rocky relationship with food. i'm convinced i was having the same life experience with food that nicole ritchie was having with hers, with a dose here and there of what paula abdul was having with her meds. hanging on by a thread.

so the new challenge for me for this week is to not eat after 8pm, and to actually not have any refined sugars. why are they even called refined? they're not refined at all. pretending to be refined is like wearing a mock turtleneck. why would you pretend to be wearing a turtleneck? stupid.

1 comment:

  1. The Mock Turtle is a very melancholy character, it is thought because he used to be a real turtle. He tells Alice his history of going to school in the sea, but cannot understand the school system that Alice describes to him- least of all the poetry she recites. Ironically, she cannot understand it either. This is a pun on the two meanings of "school", referring in the turtle's usage to a school of fish or marine animals, and by Alice to an institute of learning (see (school).


    ps. work on your speech, the 5"7' party happens soon.
