Saturday, January 16, 2010

chapter six: hi, i'm the world

are you there, advil? it's me, gemma. there are three things we will all do in our lives. we're all going to die, we're all going to cry, and we'll all wear an outfit we'll regret. one of those happened to me today, and no i'm not writing this from the grave. i wasn't biking. if you're a regular gemsjunkie, you'll come to note that i've been suffering from a bad case of charlie the horse in both of my calves since wednesday. today was no exception. i wish i could tell them to pack up and take a hike. but unfortunately they've got me convinced they're a key ingredient in being a vegas showgirl. this is something i'd like to pick up in the next four to six weeks. none the less, they've been a real pain in the ass the latter part of this week, and it's really hindering my performance.

EJ: run maratraining day three commences as usual, 5k time trial. i was nervous all night about how the calves (from this point on being referred to as 'casses') and how they'd react to yet another beating. luckilly, there was no rain. very chilly, but absolutely gorgeous day. i think it was the big man upstairs' way of making it a little more bearable. for those un-educated on the riley park area, it's an olympic venue just south of the city, situated around a park (with lots of hills) making the run quite challenging in the best of health.

i started out somewhat normal, holding a bit in reserve as i didn't want to burn out and have to go to rehab like britney. i mean, i was talking about shaving my head yesterday. besides the point. we made our first turn, and made our way up the very first hill. very painful, but i pressed on. it was about half way through the 5k that my casses completely bailed out on me. they had absolutely enough and didn't want to do anything more, so in typical jerk fashion, they locked up and said "F O!" i think it was at this point where i fell down to the sidewalk and burst into tears. the weight of the world was on my shoulders. felt a little tap-tap, slowly turned around to see what it was, surely to see "hi, uh yeah, i don't know if you know me, but i'm the friggen world." and just like that i was crying like a little girl.

i forced myself up and kept running, the person i want to beat most today was myself. i'd just like to point out that i was crying the entire time, watering the grass as i was going. i could have probably grown crops with my tears if i had a packet of seeds. next time. i passed a few people on my way, and was totally embarrassed that i looked like such a jackass. you know when you think that everyones watching and fascinated with your hysterics? you'd turn around and see that everyone was following you, just to see if you would cry harder. that was today.

i had to stop and walk a bunch (like a total baby) but i'm certain the muscles in my legs are no longer attached. it's probably the most pain i've been in a long time. i'd rather get punched in the face than continue having this feeling south of my knees. but, i continued on, sprinted down the big hill at the end, turned the corner, and did the best variation of a gembolt i could muster up. 30:50, with more than likely half walking. sparky says good job, i say absolutely not satasfied, but i tried damn hard. i wonder if they give epidurals to people with torn casses?

i'm going home. i'm taking a hot shower. probably will consume a bottle of advil and maybe do a few shots. welcome to the real world, compression socks.

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