a wise soul once said "when the going gets tough, the tough get going." i'm living proof. after my hilarious altercation with the kinesis machines yesterday, i sat myself down and said "you're numba one. grab that net and catch those beautiful butterflies." stood up, slapped myself on the ass and danced to journey in baseball socks and an oversized t. it's amazing what nonsense can motivate one.
so apres work, i galloped over to the junkyard to play EJ: x. i welcomed my new burst of energy with the utmost exuberance, un-matched by many. i thanked my body for deciding to actually show up with a sarcastic "good evening, nice of you to have turned up. thanks. lovely to see you again." it was almost like i had been absent yesterday. i thought to myself, it's nice in here isn't it. great atmosphere and that. and with that, i welcomed myself back to class.
i was first put into a group with all the gimps and the boys. us three 'injured' girls and the dudes were stuck in a group together. now, is the reason the girls got hurt so the boys could keep up? kidding! started over in cardy land with mr junior gong himself. "to the bikes ladies"... ohhhh, we all dragged our heels and pouted all the way over. we didn't even get bonus points for cute pouty face. god, round one was hard. but i was singing and dancing to the songs for the first 4 minutes. then we had to grind it out. i friggen hate those words.
popped over to sniffles real quick, and started with plank with knee drives on the medicine ball. sniffles obviously doesn't know how to handle such a fantastic fitnesseur, because he just came and kicked my balls. literally, stood there and kicked the ball. what, like it's not hard enough already? maybe it was punishment for yesterday.
we switched again to hangout with mr junior gong aka das coach, "back to the bikes girls." we did something i've never done before, 4 beats sitting, 4 beats standing. repeat. x4 minutes. ankles was the leader here out of the three of us, but i felt the need to sing along. we had a sweet song to start off with. 'sexy chick'. nothing sexier than a girl red in the face, sweat dripping down her back with a messy bun. sick.
sniffles took custody of us one more time, this time for the fun stuff. lunge punches, heavy squats, lat pulls to tricep kickbacks, power situps, power squats and the best one of all, the heavy belt of jumping doom. so cool. sometimes, i felt like i was going to slingshot across the room, which i think could have been probably the most epic scene since the slow-mo boob shot in baywatch.
you know, if you ever hear me say "let's do x", you know what i'm talking about. it don't bother me, because we're all on something.